5 lessons I learned about daily ritual from a global pandemic


The past few months have been some of the most difficult and interesting in most of our lives. I know for many of us that we are just trying to make it through the day, and sometimes can’t even remember what day it is! The collective pandemic experience can feel overwhelming so I have been exploring daily self-care rituals as a way to create more support for myself and others.

Although the term “self-care” is trendy AF right now and is sometimes used to sell you face masks and meditation cushions, many forms of self-care are completely free. Some days I slack off on my rituals because I am too focused on work or projects and by the evening I can end up feeling maxed out, anxious and miserable. Consistency is key which is why I am sharing my 5 go-to rituals with you to help you improve your day! I hope this guide is a little reminder that even the most basic things we can do to support ourselves right now really go a long way in improving our mental and physical health. Take exquisite care of yourselves my friends:)



And sweat! As a yoga teacher, personal trainer and human with a physical form to care for, I can assure you that movement is one of the quickest ways to get out of your head and into your body. Have you neglected yoga during quarantine? Check out my blog about how to come back to your yoga practice after a break for some tips on getting started again. If you are laying or sitting down while you read this and feeling lousy, I want you to get up and go put on your favorite song right now and dance for the entire length of the track. I will be here when you get back, what are you waiting for? GO MOVE YOUR BODY-> YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT!



My breath tends to be shallow and short, so I use the yogic practice of pranayama to deepen and expand each inhale and exhale. Sometimes a scent can also help shift my breathing pattern, so I burn incense, use essential oils, cook or bake a favorite recipe, or put on a comforting lotion. If your sense of smell doesn’t usually spark joy for you, try to access one of your other senses. Find new local artists in your community for visual inspiration, buy flowers for your kitchen table, listen to music, or try a different flavor of your go-to drink. Your 5 senses light up different parts of your brain, which can improve your mood and lift you out of a funk.


Write it down, say it out loud, whatever helps you remember that you have loads to be genuinely happy about. We get so caught up in comparison and perfectionism that we often are blind to the amazing things happening right in front of us. We get bored with our routines, we get frustrated with our loved ones, and sometimes we want something shiny to entertain our 2 second attention span. The more we slow down and practice seeing the treasures in and around ourselves, the opportunities, the kindness of others, the more often we will notice them in the future. They say that the attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga!


I can drink a million non-water beverages all day, but I have to set an actual water goal to make sure I get enough H2O in my system. There are tons of scientific articles out there about how important is to stay hydrated, so instead of listing every incredible health benefit I want to focus on a few key tips to keep you chugging that liquid gold:

1.     Make your water exciting. It might sound silly but adding orange or cucumber slices to your water can really enhance your drinking experience. Want to make it extra fancy? Add mint leaves or edible flowers to your ice cube tray to make your water a little more special.

2.     Get a water bottle you actually like to drink out of. Maybe you prefer drinking from glass or metal than a Nalgene bottle, or maybe you like having a reusable straw connected to the lid. Whatever it is, make your water bottle something you look forward to using.

3.     Start at the beginning of your day. It is a lot easier to drink water throughout your day than trying to cram in your recommended intake right before you go to bed and spend the whole night waking up to pee. Try drinking one glass of water when you wake up to start your day off right.

Finally, eat a really hearty, delicious meal when you can. Make comfort food for yourself or enjoy takeout from your favorite restaurant. Hopefully you know (or are learning) what a healthy meal looks like for your own body and for me it usually looks like eating more veggies and fruit, avoiding frozen meals and late-night munching on handfuls of chocolate chips that will never be made into cookies. Food is a personal journey, but I can confidently say that being hangry is not a good way to make decisions! If you are feeling crabby take a moment to pause, eat something you enjoy, hydrate, and then see how you feel afterwards.



Nature time! Stick your feet in the grass and notice how the ground feels on the soles of your feet. Hike up a hill or down to a creek and get a new view. Use binoculars and see what birds you can spot. If you are lucky to be in a park or a forest, take a deep breath of fresh air. As you start to slow down see what else you notice while being in nature. Getting outside wakes up all of our senses and shifts our mindset to realize that we are just a part of the great web of life and not the center focus, which can help put our thoughts into perspective.