5 reasons why you need a virtual personal trainer

Terra Grace Wellness- 5 reasons why you need a virtual personal trainer

Terra Grace Wellness- 5 reasons why you need a virtual personal trainer

Are you struggling with your fitness? Want to start working out but can’t seem to find the time or motivation? Let me create a customized training program just for you! As your online coach, I help you get fit, live up to your potential and uncover your inner badass. Here are 5 reasons why you need a virtual personal trainer.

1) You need a customized plan for your unique schedule and individual goals. Dropping into a group class or attempting to figure out a fitness routine on your own just isn’t working. Don’t have a full home gym set up? No problem! I create a tailored program for you based on what you already have access to, nothing new or fancy required.

2) You need to workout at home. Perhaps you are staying quarantined to protect your immune system, you are responsible for caring for kids or family members, or you are just not ready to go back to the public gym yet. Whatever your reason might be, the comfort and safety of your home can actually be the perfect environment to support your health and fitness. Bonus- you can use the extra time you would have spent driving to and from the gym (not to mention parking) for whatever you want!

3) You need to get fit with your partner or friend. I love creating buddy workouts to keep you and your significant other moving and smiling together! Having the extra accountability can help you stay motivated and stick to your fitness goals.

Terra Grace Wellness- 5 reasons why you need a virtual personal trainer

Terra Grace Wellness- 5 reasons why you need a virtual personal trainer

4) You want to wear whatever is comfortable and choose your own pump-up music. No perfectly color coordinated workout clothes needed, and no shoes no problem!

5) You want variety in your workouts. Some days you might want to focus on cardio or weights, and other days you might want to just stretch out and breathe. My background teaching yoga and personal training combined with my education in Somatic Experiencing has given me a wide range of tools to support my clients’ needs. Customized coaching gives you the freedom to focus your energy on completing the workout, not on figuring out what to do.

Do any of these reasons resonate with you? You can do anything you set your mind to, but it sure helps to have someone in your corner cheering you on, answering your questions and most importantly- holding you accountable so you can achieve your goals. Book a free 15-minute consultation here and let’s chat, I would love to help you achieve your health and wellness goals!